school: IED - Istituto Europeo di Design
course: Master of Arts in Transdisciplinary Design
location: Turín
course dates: October 2023 – July 2025
application deadline: 10/09/2023


To create a meaningful future for mobility requires transcending the traditional borders between disciplines with a transdisciplinary approach. During the two years of the Master of Arts students will become part of IED’s transdisciplinary mobility studio, approaching the topic from every possible angle. Students will have the chance to work on real challenges using cities as crucibles for finding and defining complex problems which cannot be addressed, resolved or solved through one discipline alone. The classes are a vibrant mix of theory and practice in which we learn from experts in the field and put everything to the test by doing and experimenting.


The programme for the Master of Arts in Transdisciplinary Design by IED offers a unique approach to the development of design as a holistic and strategic tool for the identification and interrogation of complex problems in the domain of mobility.


See Video Presentation of Master of Arts in Transdisciplinary Design.

the course is over



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